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19-02-2018 19:00    Plaza Activa, Zaragoza Activa (La Azucarera)

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Class structure:

Teacher-supervised activities:
19:00-19:15 Grammar
19:15-20:15 Principal topic
20:15-20:30 Song

Session 12: Future time +  Man as we know him: singers and the world of music + Bollywood music

1. Grammar:
Future time

2. Principal Topic:

Main topic: Man as we know him: singers and the world of music.
Singers perform music that can be sung with or without accompaniment by musical instruments. Singing can be formal or informal, arranged or improvised. It may be done as a form of religious devotion, as a hobby, as a source of pleasure, comfort, or ritual, as part of music education, or as a profession.

3. Song
Bollywood music


  • Mejorar los conocimients acerca del futuro.
  • Aprender acerca de la música.
  • Aprender acerca de la cultura musical de Bollywood.
  • Ser capaz de mantener una conversación sobre estos temas.


Denise R Quivu, English coach

Horario: 19:00 a 20:30 h
Lugar: Zaragoza Activa La Azucarera

Actividad para todos los niveles, dirigida a mayores de 16 años.

Consulta la siguientes sesiones de Speaknic