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18-09-2017 19:00    Plaza Activa, Zaragoza Activa (La Azucarera)

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Class structure:

Teacher-supervised activities:
19:00-19:15 Grammar
19:15-20:15 Principal topic
20:15-20:30 Song

Session one: Past Tense + Male/Female roles + Stax Records (1)

1. Grammar:
Past Tense: What it is and how it's pronounced.

2. Principal Topic:
Male/Female Roles

  1. Gender stereotypes: gender stereotypes are generalizations about the roles of each gender. Gender roles are generally neither positive nor negative; they are simply inaccurate generalizations of the male and femal attributes.
  2. What is a traditional role? Men were the breadwinners of the family, and the women took care of the house and children. These rules of behavior were taught from one generation to another.
  3. Are men and women's roles in society changing? The tipping of the employment scales due to the recession isn't expected to be permanent, and the recession wasn't the only catalyst in changing gender roles.

3. Song
Stax Records (1): The studio, the history of the label, first musicians (part 1)


  • Mejorar la pronunciación del pasado simple.
  • Desarrollar una conversación acerca del genero en la sociedad.
  • Aprender acerca de la cultura musical de los EE.UU.


Denise R Quivu, English coach

Horario: 19:00 - 20:30 h
Lugar: Zaragoza Activa La Azucarera

Actividad para todos los niveles, dirigida a mayores de 16 años.

Consulta la siguientes sesiones de Speaknic.