Caja Azul de la Tribuna del Agua

Water Watch Penang: using water demand management (WDM) for water sustainability via changing lifestyle and water use habits

Malaysia is a country with rich water resources but mismanagement, wastage and pollution have led to water problems. Hence, Water Watch Penang (WWP), a non-profit organisation was set up in 1997 to help address water issues. Its vision is based on 5 principles of: (i) ecological sustainability; (ii) social justice; (iii) economic productivity; (iv) cultural vibrancy; and (v) popular participation. WWP teaches parents who play a vital role as ¿water managers¿ at home and in the work place. Parents manage the family¿s water budget and educate their children about water saving. WWP promotes water demand management (WDM) to ensure that water resources are not depleted but remain sustainable. Via WDM, the amount of water saved nationally is significant and WDM can lead to saving mega-water projects for future generations. Through domestic water audit (DWA), a form of WDM, water recycling and saving techniques become key strategies in addressing water scarcity and other water problems in Malaysia. WWP also work with government and water service providers in reducing high rates of non-revenue water, upgrading water treatment plants, increasing awareness, public education and other important water related issues. The ultimate objective of WWP is to create a ¿Water Saving Society¿ in Malaysia.
Weng Chan, Ngai
Palabras Clave
Consumo de agua, Malasia, Abastecimiento de agua, Planificación hidrológica
Ponencia ( 10 pag, 238 Kb )

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