Caja Azul de la Tribuna del Agua

Water for life, health and sustainability: An ecosystem approach to reintegrate water resource management with the determinants of health

The relationship between water resource management and the ¿upstream¿ determinants of health is emerging as a new portfolio of research, policy and practice. This development is informed by growing attention to ecosystem management in the context of catchments (also known as watersheds or river basins) and the potential ¿win-win¿ of integrated strategies that improve both health and sustainability within these settings. Sustainable and equitable watershed management can be seen as an upstream driver of the determinants of health ¿ with influences ranging from livelihoods and poverty, to cultural values, food security and lifestyles, as well provision of basic water services and infrastructure. Drawing on an integrated framework and the key concepts of ¿living systems¿, ¿livelihoods¿, and ¿linkages¿ between ecosystems and equity, this paper examines integrated catchment management as the basis for an ecosystem approach that promotes water for life, health and sustainability. These concepts will be examined in the context of a community catchment health project in New Zealand, with cross-reference to initiatives in Hawai¿i, Ecuador, Canada and the Philippines. Implications will be discussed in relation to capacity building for governance, research and education that values catchment management as a collaborative, cross-sectoral initiative with interrelated benefits for health, ecosystems and society.
Parkes, Margot; Morrison, Karen; Bunch, Martin; Venema, Henry
Palabras Clave
Salud, Planificación hidrológica, Cuencas fluviales, Ecosistemas, Organización política
Ponencia ( 19 pag, 574 Kb )

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