Einstein, 50 hours in Zaragoza

These days marks the centenary of the stay in our city of Albert Einstein, the most important and famous scientist of the 20th century. And for this reason, the University and Zaragoza Turismo have launched the "Einstein, 50 hours in Zaragoza" route, in which we follow his steps in the three main buildings he visited in 1923: the Auditorium, the old Mercantile Center and the Main Theater.

In little more than two days, the German professor gave two lectures, visited the famous Rocasolano Biochemical Research laboratory, attended meals and banquets, had the opportunity to play the violin at a party and was moved when he heard the jota. He was also in love with architecture and art and wanted to get to know the city by visiting El Pilar and its jewel box, La Seo, the Lonja and the Aljafería.

This visit is conducted only in Spanish.


March 15 and 21, 2023, at 5:00 p.m.




Two hours.

Departure place:

Stairway to the Auditorium.


Includes a visit to some of the spaces visited by the scientist, such as Auditorium, Mercantile Center: Old restaurant. Caja Rural de Aragón Building and Principal Theatre.


Free until full capacity is reached. It is essential to reserve in advance at the municipal tourist offices. Reservations can be made from 12:00 on March 13.


At Tourist Offices from March 13 at 12:00 h. More information on the phone: 976 20 12 00.



Einstein gave two lectures at the old Faculty of Medicine and Sciences about relativity on March 12 and 13. Despite the fact that very few people in the city had the scientific knowledge to understand his explanations, the fame of the character makes the conference room fill with public. It is a myth that people are devoted to.


On Tuesday, March 13, the Faculty and the Academy of Sciences offered the German scholar a tribute banquet at the Mercantile Center attended by professors, academics and authorities. At the end of Einstein's lunch, as the following day, March 14 is his birthday, he invites everyone to toast with champagne. He was 44 years old.


The German Consulate was located in the current number 42 of the Coso in 1923. It was the residence of the consuls and it was also the studio of Mr. Gustav Freudenthal, consul and famous photographer of the city. In this building, the Freudenthals organized a dinner and a party in honor of Einstein in which he accompanied the Zaragoza pianist Trini Castillo playing the violin.


The Einsteins attended a performance of the comic zarzuela La viejecita, composed by maestro Fernández Caballero with a libretto by Miguel Echegaray. When they left, they walked back to their lodging, which was very close. They were staying in a hotel that has since disappeared, the "Universo y de las Cuatro Naciones" hotel, which was located on Don Jaime street, next to the current Plaza de Ariño.

The "Einstein, 50 hours in Zaragoza" project, designed by the Scientific Culture Unit of the Office of the Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy of the University of Zaragoza, has the support of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) of the Ministry of Science and Innovation, and the support of the Zaragoza City Council, the Government of Aragon and the Caja Rural de Aragón.

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